2018 - 2024
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Oregon State University
My PhD dissertation was focused on combining the reasoning abilities of symbolic AI planners / RL Agents with the rich representations
learned by deep neural networks. This lets an AI Agent ground their abstract plans into the real sensory world -
enabling optimal execution. I was advised by Dr.
Alan Fern.
SWE Intern (AI Specialist), Meta Reality Labs.
Designed and implemented Upselling module for Oculus Store. The Averagers recommendation module extends support for items, consummables
as well as bundles for upselling. Offline evaluation demonstrated 150% improvement on suggested purchase conversion over KNN baseline.
Also constructed User Journey Dataset for modelling in-app purchases over time across the oculus store.
Applied Scientist Intern, Amazon Search.
Designed and Implemented Page Level Reward for Cross-Slot Widget Ranking. This tackles the fundamental problem of defining reward which is aligned with different business metrics while factoring for page level interactions of users.
Also built a prediction model that increases the modelling accuracy by 300% for rewards (over baselines) and 50%
improvement for overall business metric predictions - across different world regions.
Started my Ph.D. journey at Oregon State University
2016 - 2018
Business Intelligence Engineer , Logic Info.
Developed and maintained large-scale enterprise Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence solutions for Off-shore clients; Alex & Ani, Holland and Barett, Gander Mountain, and Makro. I was also invovled in Customer Experience Analytics over in-house data lake sourced from customer call audio, text
reviews and curated twitter feeds.
2012 - 2016
B.S. in Computer Engineering, Tribhuvan University.
Discovered that a well written code teaches you how to think. Never looked back.
CORL 2024
Bikram Pandit, Ashutosh Gupta, Mhoitvishnu S. Gadde, Addison Johnson, Aayam Shrestha, Helei Duan, Jeremey Dao, Alan Fern
(Under Submission)
Pranay Dugar, Aayam Shrestha, Fangzxhou Yu, Bart Vanm Marum, Alan Fern
ECCV 2024
Aayam Shrestha*, Pan Liu*, German Ros, Kai Yuan, Alan Fern
IROS 2024
Bart Vanm Marum, Aayam Shrestha, Helei Duan, Pranay Dugar, Jermey Dao, Alan Fern
AMLC 2021 Workshop
Aayam Shrestha, Kai Yuan
ICLR 2021 (Spotlight Top-2%) [
Aayam Shrestha, Stefan Lee, Prasad Tadepalli, Alan Fern
Yodsawalai Chodpathumwan, Aayam Shrestha, Stephen Ramsey, Arash Termehchy